Last week there were significant changes in the Italian government. The closest and proven associates of Prime Minister Mussolini took over, as responsible ministers, the most important ministries, which until now had been headed by Mussolini himself. Among them, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Grandi should be highlighted. Fascism and the state became even stronger. From now on, the functionaries of the fascist party are appointed by the King himself on the proposal of the Minister of the President. The agreement with the Vatican was given strong contours by Mussolini. Fascists feel strong enough not to give in to the clerical current in anything, and at the same time to deny any sign of life among the "yellows", as Mussolini called the freemasons. Mussolini's famous speech, in which he vividly portrayed the dynamics of fascism and explained his new decisions, is given in another place. Here we are talking about the creator of fascism and the essence of his creation.
Benito Mussolini is the biggest phenomenon that emerged on the European continent from the chaotic situation after the World War. Countless studies have already come out about him. His own War Diary and his speeches were also published (Casa editrice Imperiax, Milan, 1921). The most exhaustive book about him was written in 1923 by Antonio Beltramelli under the title The New Man (L'uomo nuovo). There are many completely forgotten facts in that resume. Benito's father was the leader of the Internationals in the province of Romagni. He saw the future Crispi in his son. Benito's mother was her son's confidante until her death (1905). Due to his participation in large strikes, Mussolini was sentenced to one year in prison in 1911. In prison, which is extremely significant, he wrote the biography of Jan Hus.
In an interview he gave in 1925 to an American journalist, Mussolini admitted that he was particularly influenced by the German philosopher Nietzsche, who coined the term "Ubermensch". "I was deeply impressed," said Mussolini, "by Nietzsche's wonderful commandment: Live dangerously." And Mussolini really lived dangerously and became the creator of a new state type. To create this new type, he used the old moving forces of his people.
Mussolini is in a way a revolutionary of the past. The mysterious brilliance of that powerful political comet stems from the fact that it came from the biological roots of its already created nation, that it shook its subconscious depths and allowed itself to be carried by popular memory and popular religion. With a historical perspective, he refreshed the conception of his nation, with religion he shook its feeling for Rome. Because it has a powerful vis a tergo, fascism is by no means a utopia. It is largely a penetration of ancient folk memories. And that is why fascism is possible only in completely developed, old nations. Mussolini rides on the most ardent, brightest protuberance of national memory. From ancient times, he conjured up a vision of the old Roman Empire. With the agreement with the Vatican came the moving force of the old folk religion. And the Russian Soviets created a new type of state. But that type of state lacks any vis a tergo. There is no force of the past in it. It's brain is racing towards utopia. That is why Bolshevism is unrealistic. Fascism is a reality, a cure for Bolshevism.
Published in Hrvatsko Pravo [Croatian Right], Zagreb, September 21, 1929